Work with the sun.

Turnkey solar power plant? Welcome to Opus, where collaboration brings transformation.

Together, step by step.

Initial consultation

Designing uniqueness

Documentation & approvals

Installation & launch

Continual partnership

Initial consultation

We place great emphasis on understanding your vision accurately. Let's schedule a relaxed conversation where you can share your desires and requirements for the solar power plant. Our project manager will then inspect the site and obtain precise measurements using drones and laser rangefinders.

Designing uniqueness

We integrate the specifics of the site, your vision, and your preferences into the project's conceptual design. The development of the concept is aligned with all your conditions and desires while adhering to all guidelines and current local laws. It's also optimized for other physical factors, such as positioning and sun exposure, to ensure maximum returns on your investment.

Documentation & approvals

We present the prepared concept to you, assess it financially, and finalize it. If we agree on the collaboration, the next step is signing a cooperation agreement. On your behalf, we handle and submit all applications and obtain the necessary approvals. Additionally, we ensure that you receive any available subsidies from environmental funds, if applicable*.

*We are not liable and cannot provide guarantees for the existence of any available ECO funds or your suitability or success regarding their acquisition. We strive to obtain such subsidies, but the suitability and success depends on each individual case, over which we do not have complete influence and power.
Installation & launch

We collaborate with high-quality solar technology manufacturers that provide long-term warranties on high efficiency with low degradation rates. There is a dedicated person on-site to ensure the flawless implementation of the system in accordance with the guidelines defined in the project documentation. Upon completion of the work, we ensure that the site is left orderly and perform the necessary procedures for connecting the power plant to the grid.

Continual partnership

After the completion of the project and handover, we can continue the collaboration. We offer monitoring services for your solar power plant to ensure efficient operation. One common reason for a decrease in module efficiency is dirt, so we provide cleaning services and offer regular maintenance. In the case of breakthrough innovations in the market, we can also offer specific upgrades to your power plant.


"OPUS SOLIS" translates from Latin as "Work with the Sun, Work of the Sun" symbolizing our dedication to harnessing solar energy for a sustainable future. We present the values that guide us through every decision.





are values that guide us through every decision.
are the values that guide us through every decision.

7 - 9 years

Return on investment

The return on investment depends on many factors, such as: Solar power plant location, roof shape, roof orientation, module inclination, module degradation rate, module cleaning interval, maintenance regularity, insurance rates, electricity price, etc. To maximize your savings over the 30-year life expectancy of a well-designed solar power plant, it's essential to prioritize regular monitoring, cleaning, and maintenance while using only high-quality components and professional services.

All calculations presented herein are purely informative and do not present any kind of guarantee or commitment, as laid out in our Terms and Conditions. For an approximate calculation in your particular case, please contact us directly.
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Naša zgodba

Smo podjetje, ki se ukvarja s postavitvijo sončnih elektrarn na ključ. Na trg smo stopili z misijo, da pospešimo in poenostavimo prehod na trajnostne vire energije. Verjamemo, da ta cilj najlažje in najhitreje dosežemo povezani. Naša predanost inovaciji pristopa do poslovanja nas je usmerila na pot sodelovanja. Z združevanjem našega znanja s konkurenčnimi podjetji se trudimo naše storitve maksimalno individualizirati potrebam in željam vsem, ki želijo investirati v sončno energijo.

Zavezani smo k stalnemu izboljševanju in prilagajanju naših storitev, da ustrezajo edinstvenim potrebam vsakega investitorja. V snovanju sončne elektrarne prednostno upoštevamo vaše pogoje in želje, kot tudi danosti lokacije z namenom, da zagotovimo največjo učinkovitost in maksimalno donosnost vaše naložbe.

Predstavljamo si svet, ki ga poganja sončna energija. Želimo biti zgled, kako lahko s sodelovanjem in povezovanjem skupaj ustvarjamo blaginjo in gradimo bolj zeleno prihodnost za vse. Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na tej poti. Skupaj nismo samo podjetje; smo dinamična celota posameznikov in organizacij, ki oblikujemo bolj trajnostno in zeleno prihodnost. Dobrodošli pri Opusu, kjer sodelovanje prinaša preobrazbo.

Our story.

At Opus Solis, we are offering turnkey solar power plant solutions. We entered the market with a mission: To accelerate and simplify the transition to sustainable energy sources. We believe that this goal is the best and quickest achieved through collaboration. Our commitment to innovating our approach to business has set us on the path of cooperation. By combining our knowledge with competitive companies, we strive to tailor our services to the unique needs and desires of all those who wish to invest in solar energy.

We are dedicated to continuously improving and customizing our services to meet each investor's unique needs. In the development of a solar power plant, we prioritize your conditions, preferences, and location specifics to ensure maximum efficiency and maximum return on your investment.

We envision a world powered by solar energy. Our aim is to set an example of how, through collaboration and connectivity, we can foster prosperity, welfare, and build a more sustainable future for everyone. We invite you to join us on this journey. Together, we are more than just a company; we are a dynamic whole of individuals and organizations shaping a more sustainable and greener future. Welcome to Opus, where collaboration brings transformation.

Our Story.

At Opus Solis, we are offering turnkey solar power plant solutions. We entered the market with a mission: To accelerate and simplify the transition to sustainable energy sources. We believe that this goal is the best and quickest achieved through collaboration. Our commitment to innovating our approach to business has set us on the path of cooperation. By combining our knowledge with competitive companies, we strive to tailor our services to the unique needs and desires of all those who wish to invest in solar energy.

We are dedicated to continuously improving and customizing our services to meet each investor's unique needs. In the development of a solar power plant, we prioritize your conditions, preferences, and location specifics to ensure maximum efficiency and maximum return on your investment.

We envision a world powered by solar energy. Our aim is to set an example of how, through collaboration and connectivity, we can foster prosperity, welfare, and build a more sustainable future for everyone. We invite you to join us on this journey. Together, we are more than just a company; we are a dynamic whole of individuals and organizations shaping a more sustainable and greener future. Welcome to Opus, where collaboration brings transformation.

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S klikom na “Pokličite nas” boste preusmerjeni do spletne strani Calendly. Mi nismo odgovorni za vaše ravnanje in početje na njihovih spletnih straneh. Slednje imajo namreč svoje splošne pogoje in politiko zasebnosti, zato Splošni pogoji poslovanja in Izjava o zasebnosti OPUS SOLIS zanje ne velja. Skladno s tem vam priporočamo, da natančno preberete njihove splošne pogoje in politiko zasebnosti, preden uporabljate njihove storitve ali jim posredujete svoje osebne podatke. Ko stopite v kontakt z nami, izjavljate, da ste seznanjeni, ste v celoti prebrali in se strinjate z našimi Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja.”